For A Day Like Today

Banana Monday Cake!

Today’s Monday, holiday, no online classes, no assignments and works to be submitted so I decided to bake and practice my recipe of banana cake. After a couple of trial and error, I know something’s still missing even though I tried different ingredients and different measurements, the taste is still the same but the texture and it’s appearance differs that‘s why practice is really in need for me to perfect this cake. 

For this day hits differently again, maybe because I’m still trying to adjust to the “new normal” classes, but on the other hand holidays from the past years was very special for students like me even though it’s just a day or two. This year’s holiday feels like time hasn’t move at all and numbers on calendars every single day doesn’t feel alive. I could still vividly remember that me and my classmates would do anything just to have holidays each week in our calendars. For students who were at school for like almost 24/7 because of the hectic schedules and enormous works, holidays like today is priceless. For a day like this, we can finish a couple of works in order to submit in time. For a day like this, we can hang out and forget that we are drowning from all this stress and pressure from school, family and different matters. For a day like this,we can watch our favorite series, slack off all day, and just do anything! For a day like this, I am missing those feelings, those comforts. But a day like this today, it feels so different. 

Changes is always there, it’s either we try to manipulate it for our own satisfaction or just because “change” constantly does it’s work, and that is to be different from before. I know adjusting is hard and uncomfortable, but “change” constantly does it job and embracing it’s result might be an easier path for us to move forward. 

For a day like today isn’t the same like yesterday, last week, month, and year because changes happens. I hope that “change” would not entirely redo a day like today, where it is an escape, comfort, and relief for a person; student like me.


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